Sunday, August 23, 2009

Its Been a Long Time!

It's been a really long time since I've taken my health into my own hands (and even longer since I've written about it). Well, times are a-changin'. For the last several days I have consistently worked out and made good, conscious eating choices.

Today I am committing to journaling about my continued effort at a healthy lifestyle. I will record my feelings about weight loss and my progress on this blog on a more consistent basis. So far, since my lap band surgery I have lost 60lbs. Unfortunately because I was not as active as I should have been I have wings! But I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'm simply going to try to attack them by lowering my BMI and increasing my muscle mass.

I will be monitoring my progress here and on (which is a super tool).

I'm in a really good place and wishing the same for you.

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