Monday, January 7, 2008

2008 is for new beginnings

Okay, so by the end of last year, I gained back 10 of the 20+ pounds that I had released. But I'm getting over that, slowly and surely. The encouragement from my fellow blogg-ettes has tremendously helped.

So, today, my eating was a little if-fy, but I did go get groceries so that tomorrow I will begin to get back on track. Another set back is that my personal trainer has moved to Atlanta, so I'm on my own in the gym. I really liked that she was there to make sure I was giving my all. Unfortunately, I'm a little intimated about finding someone new. I really loved her vibe and don't want to start all over :-(

But this is really just a test of my character (not my will). I am determined not to let this obesity thing get me. I was able to lose weight and lower my blood pressure not because I had fabulous will-power, but because I made a conscious decision to make a change for the better. I'm choosing that now again.

Happy New Year to all.

Peace, Love, & Light!


Reflection said...

Hey! Welcome back. Thank you for the compliment you left on my blog.It's 2008 and I know you'll do big things. Here to new beginings. Don't be challenge about getting you a new trainer.
Just focus on what she taught you. Have you thought about asking her for a refer.

sweetnes said...

ITA with Reflection - here's to new beginnings :)