Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Learning to take care of me


I've discovered that one of my major obstacles is lack of preparation. If I allow myself to get too hungry while I'm out of the house, its EXTREMELY difficult for me to avoid fast food stops. So this morning before I left the house I prepared some jerk veggies, packed up some leftover brown rice and plaintain and will have that on hand if I get hungry. I'm also taking some Kashi crunch bars in case the sweet and crunchy monster attacks.

I read somewhere that women always pack bags so that their babies are well taken care of when they're out and about, but seldom do we take the time to do that for ourselves. So now that I have a rolling briefcase (grad student books and woes)I can take more along with me. So today I have: 2 bottles of h2o, a kashi bar, my rice and veggie mixture, and some raw unsalted almonds. Wish me well!

In Peace & Victory,


Reflection said...

I think lack of preparation is everyone obstacle. I was just looking thru Tosac Reno Eating clean book and she was talking about how we should pack a cooler for the day. Prepare our meals for the week. It does make sense.

Good luck and just work your way up to it. Pretty soon it'll come natural to you.

Nicky said...

I agree with Reflection ... lack of preparation is everyone's obstacle. What's great is that you know that and you're taking steps to correct it. You'll be fine and you've given me inspiration to do the same.

Reflection said...

Hey Lady! Hust checking in to see how you coming along on your journey. Hope you're still hanging in there.