Thursday, October 11, 2007

Minor Set Back

Okay, I've had another minor set back in my eating, but I'm determined to not let that stop my forward movement with my exercise. This is truly a day-by-day struggle and I'm working hard to accomplish some emotional/mental issues that lead me to pack on pounds as insulation from too much attention. Isn't that a trip? I mean, I want attention, but I know there is a part of me that feels safer when I go unnoticed. (And we all know how unnoticed fat people tend to be in this image-conscious society that is South Florida).

Taking it one day at a time....


Reflection said...

It sooo alright to take it oneday a time. We are conditoning ourself to eat right. Slow in steady win the big prise @ the end. Keep up the great determination!!!!

sweetnes said...

ITA with Reflection. Don't let this get you down, just keep it movin :)