Monday, September 14, 2009

doing better

My eating was in line today! Yay me!!! I still need to improve on the fiber. I need to eat more fruits and veggies. I had 2 cups of cabbage today but no fruit. In fact the apples I intended to use for snacks were spoiled because they had been in the fridge too long. I need to make getting fresh produce in as a habit. But tomorrow is a new day and I'll do even better! It is motivating that when I went to the dr today I had lost 2lbs since last week!!! That's motivation in and of itself.

Worked out today:

50 crunches including 2 sets with a 6lb medicine ball
20 minutes of strength training
45 mins treadmill (20 min/mile)

1 comment:

Reflection said...

Congratulation on the are on your way just contiune to stick with it..I beleive in You and know you can and will conqure this.