I didn't stick to 100% vegan, but my eating has improved. Most of the bumps have cleared up and I have more energy. I danced for a few hours Saturday and now my calves hurt...I don't think I've ever had sore calf-muscles! Especially since I wasn't doing too much of anything, just slow meditative movements. TV has basicly disappeared. I probably spent less than 5 hours this entire week on it. Yea for me! Still trying to get over the heartbreak, but hey, I can do this!
TMI: My BMs have been full and satisfying lol. When I eliminate, I feel totally cleaned out afterwards. Here's to roughage :-)
Everybody loves a good poo! Pat yourself on the back for the dancing and TV cutting back.
You are right about that heartache - you can get through it. God doesn't put hurdles in front of us for no reason; you are destined for GREATNESS!
There's nothing like having a great BM!!! Better to get it out then stay in. So lady let it blow.
Keep up the awesome job and we do get more done without TV anyway.
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