Monday, February 25, 2008

Detox and Veggie Eating


This morning I began a 28 day detox and eating plan. It consists of a liver flush in the am. Fresh fruits and fresh fruit juices until 10am. From 10am-4pm raw or slightly steamed veggies. I can have almonds or any fruits and veggies as snacks. After 4pm its back to only fruits/juices.

I'm also taking some herbal supplements during this time. I'm journeying towards health and well being one step at a time. I will use this time to re-adjust my lifestyle (yesterday I didn't even turn on the tv which is a big step for me!). I'm aiming for less toxic relationships, habits, foods, etc in my life.

I'll be documenting my journey here and will take pics that I hope to post so you can see my results at the end.

In peace and perfection,


Reflection said...

Wish you much success in detoxing all of the toxic things out of your life.

sweetnes said...

Hooray for a new start! Best of luck with your new plan :)